
Game recommendations

This section contains some ideas on what ​game modes you can play when hosting ​your NERF party. Make sure to also check ​out our NERF Party Guide page. Enjoy!

Team Deathmatch

This game mode is an all time classic! Split everyone into two teams. Each player is then given a ​certain amount of tags (lives) until they are out and the last team with remaining players wins.

Battle Royale

This fast-paced game mode is perfect for bigger groups of players with lots of space; you will also ​want to make sure that you have a wide variety of NERF weapons available to use.

To start, scatter the various NERF weapons around the game area. All players need to start ​separately with no weapons and 1 life. When the game starts, players will first need to find a ​weapon, then eliminate all other players. Any players who are hit are out of the game, and also need ​to leave their weapon behind on the field, giving the remaining players the chance to swap their ​weapon. The last surviving player is the winner!


Each team gives one unarmed player as a VIP to the other team. Teams then have a few minutes to ​hide their VIP. Both teams then go out and try to rescue their VIP. A VIP cannot move until a ​teammate taps them with a hand. The VIP can now be given a weapon. Whichever team rescues ​their VIP first by bringing them back to their base wins.

Capture the Flag

Capture the Flag is a fantastic game mode that encourages strategy and teamwork. Start by ​splitting everyone into two teams and place a flag at each respective base. The aim of the game is ​to grab the opposing team’s flag and get it back to your base. If a player is hit while they’re carrying ​a flag, they will need to drop it where they got hit.

We would recommend having a rule that says players aren’t allowed to “camp“ at their own base to ​wait for the opposition and also setting a fixed amount of time for the game, with the team that ​grabs the flag the most times winning the round.

Attack and Defend

This game mode is all about team fighting to protect and hold a specified area of the game field. If a ​player in the specified area is hit, they will need to respawn elsewhere and then make their way ​back to protect their area, if they can fight their way past the opposing team again. The winning ​team will be the one that holds the area once the time limit for the round is over.

Humans vs. Zombies

This game mode starts with two teams: humans and zombies. While humans all start with NERF ​weapons, Zombies do not. The zombies must run around and try to “tag” the humans, who become ​zombies once tagged. The aim of the game is for all humans to kill the zombies before they can eat ​them; you can also set a time limit for this game mode to make it extra fun.